Indicator lights with colour cap
Sloan Series 174-177-178
LED-indicator light for front panel mounting
Ø 8,2mm mounting hole
Waterproof: IP64, IP67 or IP68
Voltage: 5, 12, 24 and 28V DC (230V AC only for series 178)
Sloan Series 117-119
LED indicator light for front panel mounting
Ø 6,2mm mounting hole
Waterproof: IP67 or IP68
Votlage: 5, 12, 24 and 28V DC
Sloan Series 962
LED indicator light for front panel mounting
Ø 25mm mounting hole
Colors: Blue, Green, Red und White and Yellow
Waterproof: IP67
Voltage: 12 and 24V DC
Sloan Series 974-978
LED indicator light for front panel mounting
Ø 14mm mounting hole
Lense shapes: Cylindric, domed or flat
Waterproof: IP68
Voltage: 5, 12, 24 and 28V DC